If you are with Jesus-Christ
( John 14: 6) ( Rom.5:17)

Jesus-Christ is telling you:
"If you hang with him, you get all the right and privileges that come with your identification with him".
You get the privilege of having a relationship with Jesus Christ if you are linked with him.
When you are linked with him, you will see power that you did not have, privileges that you did not own, and strength that you did not possess because of your relationship with Him.
Please don’t forget to donate for our construction.
God Bless You
Pastor Rico

Conference des Dames
Thème: Prepare toi à la rencontre de ton Dieu. (Amos 4:12)
Lundi 4 Octobre : Lady Novita L Pierre-Louis
Mardi 5 Octobre: Evangelist Natacha Moore
Mercredi 6 Octobre: Pastè Georgette B Clervois
Jeudi 7 Octobre: Lady Gisele Clerveau
Vendredi 8 Octobre: Pastè Loubens Decamp
Dimanche 10 Octobre: Lady Lucile François
Chaque soir de 8:00 PM à 9:30PM
Sur notre ligne de prière: (857) 777-7330
A family is what we are
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